Fritz Swart Insurance Services

ON THIS PAGE: Fritz Swart Insurance Services - Insurance Auckland

From: Charmaine & Tim Bubb <>
16 Feb 2023 


Hi Fritz, 

Please see attachment for the changes required to our policy. 
Fritz, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the help and advise you have given Charmaine and I over 
the past 17 years, especially with my Melanoma diagnosis. Your prompt and efficient service with the claim has been 
outstanding, and also your efforts in looking after us in managing our premiums. I would not hesitate to recommend 
you to anyone. 


Kind regards 

Tim Bubb 

To whom is may concern:

Fritz Swart has been our Insurance Adviser in New Zealand since 2006. Appointing him as our broker 
proved over and over to be one of the best of many important decisions that we have made when 
we moved to New Zealand so long ago. 

We found that apart from Financial and Insurance knowledge his also has a vast knowledge about NZ matters he can 
share and that is very valuable to any new immigrant. 


Fritz started us off with great benefits at competitive premium rates but it his knowledge and insight in the insurance 
industry that benefitted us over the years and his regular reviews have kept our cover relevant and within our
budget. At no time have we ever felt that he was attempting to sell us cover as his focus has always been what is
best for us and respecting our budget. Fritz is always willing to help and always has time for a chat. 


Over recent years we needed to confide in him on different occasions when we needed to make claims on our cover 
and his claims experience has become a very valuably comfort to us, knowing that he is there for us every step of the 
way. We also experience Fritz’s sharpness and great sense of humour is a nice bonus. 


Hendrik Bosser Auckland New Zealand Feb 2023

To whom it may concern:

We arrived in NZ late 1992 and soon after had to review our insurance due to the fact that medical and pension was 
part of our employer package. It was a great spoil at the time to have your employer contributing to your premium. 
In a new country it was important to us to lock into systems that is reliable and with a broker that can and will give 
us good service throughout the time we have the insurance.


Enquiring around we found Fritz Swart who ever since been our broker, Fritz discussed with us various options as it 
was important to fit in with our budget. Fritz provided us with excellent advice and was always available to assist 
should we have any concerns. What was more helpful (as we getting older) was their willingness to submit claims on 
our behalf and recommend ways to get the best results.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we recently end up in Australia – I had to go for three eye operations within a 
week after arrival in Melbourne. Thought it will be simple to do the claims but soon discover that with the exchange 
rate it is a bit more complicated. It just took one call to Fritz and Fritz step in to solve the issue amicably. As a team 
Fritz and his wife (ML) assist us on many levels, a month ago our premiums increased due to ageing and with advice 
from him we are still able to keep our insurance within our budget.


As it usually with our experience we recommend Fritz to family and friends and they are gratified with the 
professional way Fritz and ML support them throughout their journey abroad.


John and Hannie Bensch Nov 2022

Extract from a comprehensive e-mail following full settlement of a difficult claim:

From: Bakker Family
Sent: Tuesday, 12 August 2014 8:21 p.m.
To: Fritz Swart
Subject: Afhandeling en uitbetaling van eis.

Dagsê Fritz,

Dit is hoogtyd om dankie te sê vir n groot groot saak……………………………….

.................. moeilik om die mooi storie in min woorde te sit………...

In die Transvaal sou ons gesê het "Jy's n kannie dood";
in die Kaap "jy's n doring",
en in die Vrystaat "jy's n staatmaker"

Hier sê ons "thank you for hanging in"

en oor alles sê ons " Laat U wil geskied"

Paul en Carine 

Sent: Tuesday, 09 September 2014 10:03 p.m.
To: Fritz Swart
Subject: Groot dankie

Hello Fritz,

Na afloop van die onlangse hersiening van ons polisse wil ons jou graag hartlik bedank nie net vir die goeie werk en besparings wat jy vir ons kon reel nie maar ook dat ons oor die jare enige tyd op jou nommer kon druk en jy altyd gereed staan om te help met raad en daad.
Ons ervaar groot gemoedsrus om te weet dat jy altyd daar is om na ons belange om te sien en veral die wete dat jy daar sal wees om ons te help indien n eis sou ontstaan is van groot waarde. Jy is eenvoudig altyd daar vir ons deur dik of dun.
Ons beveel jou graag aan by enige-een wie versekerings advies en dekking benodig.

Nogmaals dankie

Bertie en Annemarie

From: Kobie Lindstrom

Sent: Tuesday, 5 June 2012 9:00 a.m.
To: 'Fritz Swart'
Subject: Thanks Fritz & ML


Hi Fritz (and all those who need a reliable insurance adviser.)


We  have been clients of Fritz for the last decade and would like to take the opportunity to thanks Fritz and ML for the taking care of us through the years.  Your assistance and advice has been invaluable…….  Having peace of mind that we have the right cover for our family’s needs bring about a peace of mind that no amount of money can buy!  Thank you so very much.   We look forward to still being clients of yours for the next decade to come.




Kobie Lindstrom


From: Paul Opperman 
Friday, 4 May 2012 4:25 p.m.
To: Fritz Swart
Subject:Death Claim


Hi Fritz,


Herewith just a few words of thanks for your service and support with the death claim.

Since Beatrice fell seriously ill in New Zealand and we decided to return to South Africa for the family support here, your assuring us of the validity of our cover and ongoing service from New Zealand has been very comforting. Your prompt service in having a payout arranged literally within a day from the dreadful day of Beatrice’s passing and also the speed of finalising the final payment was impressive. I can vouch that the proceeds from the claim has helped tremendously in making life more bearable for me and the children at this difficult time as at least we do not also have to worry about our finances now.


I will always recommend your services to my friends and anyone in NZ and also to anyone who is considering to move to NZ




Paul Opperman


George South Africa.

Liewe Fritz en Marie-Louise

Ek het geen ander keuse as om vir jou en jou gawe vrou opreg dankie te se vir alles wat julle vir ons beteken het in ons reuse besluit om na ‘n nuwe land te trek nie. “Kaalvoet oor die Drakensberge” kry nuwe betekenis as mens na ‘n nuwe land toe trek, hoor. Ons het reeds in S.A. jou inligting en ander ouens soos Louwrens van der Merwe se goed bestudeer om te sien hoe waar en wat om te doen. Dit is van onskatbare waarde vir enige een wat voorberei vir so ‘n skuif. Die ding wat vir my uitstaan is die feit dat julle, nadat ons half winverwaaid hier aangekom het, genooi het om met ander SA’ners, maar veral ander nuwelinge kontak te maak wat deur dieselfde swaarkry as ons gemartel het. Ons het baie vriende gemaak deur julle toedoen. Absolute puik mense wat almal uit hulle pad uit gaan om te help.

Ek wil verder noem dat dit ook baie gaaf is dat jy ons kon help om goeie lewens- en traumadekking te kry teen  baie goedkoper tariewe as in S.A. Dit gee jou die gemoedsrus om die Motorway aan te pak met die wete dat daar erens ‘n Oosterse Tannie, (Who Flung Dung?), wag om voor mens in te draai. Jou oop-kaart beleid ten einde “non disclosure” uit te skakel sodat mens nie probleme tydens eise sou ondervind nie, is jou handelsmerk in my oe. Dit maak van jou ‘n goeie eerlike mens wat reguit loop  en ‘n vrou soos Marie-Louise verdien. Dis ‘n groot plesier om met julle bevriend te kon raak.

Gerhard en Ricky Versteeg


From: Doreen Pretorius

Sent: Monday, 28 May 2012 6:51 a.m.
To: Fritz Swart
Subject: Thanks Fritz


Hi Fritz (and all the SA expats out there and prospective immigrants in SA)


A special word of thanks following your guidance with the final sorting of our previously unfinished policy business in SA. Looking back at your service over the years since we started doing business with you here in NZ in 2004, it has always been a pleasure dealing with you and Marie-Louise. It is comforting to know that we can call you at any time for advice and changes to our insurance portfolio and that we can rely on you expertise and knowledge. You have walked the extra mile for us on different occasions. To all the expats out there, Fritz is committed to excellent service, honest, reliable, knowleagable and friendly and he has heaps of general knowledge about NZ. You will not regret using his service.



Sakkie en Doreen Pretorius





30 Mei 2012


Beste Fritz


Ons wil jou graag bedank vir die professionele diens wat ons van jou ontvang het. Met ons vertrek na New Zealand was die situasie rondom ons Suid-Afrikaanse polisse en die toekoms van ons  beleggings ‘n groot probleem vir ons.  Jy het dit egter maklik gemaak met al jou ervaring van die Suid-Afrikaanse bedryf en jou  Suid-Afrikaanse kontakte.    Baie dankie ook vir jou voortgesette hulp noudat ons in Australie woon.




Dr. Kenoes en Cecile van Lill

To whom it may Concern


We met with Fritz and his lovely wife Marie Louise some years ago, 

Fritz advised and guided us over the years with looking after our insurance, negotiating a great homeloan deal and advising and helping me in sorting complicating unfinished South African business from New Zealand.

When my wife Joey passed away Fritz was there every step of the way and payments from our insurance was made promptly thanks to his help with the whole process.

It is such a pleasure to be able to drop in for a cup of coffee and to have a chat when I am in the area. I strongly recommend Fritz to anyone who neeeds the services of a dedicated friendly and reliable Insurance Broker. 


Pieter Janse Van Rensburg

Ellerslie Auckland   April 2012

From: Louis de Jager 
Sent: Sunday, 17 June 2012 5:12 p.m.
To: Fritz Swart
Subject: Good service


Hallo Fritz
Ons skryf net om jou te bedank vir jou flink diens wat jy gelewer het met die uitsortering van ons NZ versekerings queries.

Die foutiewe oorverhalings deur die versekeraar is terug in ons rekening danksy jou vinnige en effektiewe tussentredete.
Nadat ek jou laat weet het was dit binne 'dag of twee' en alles was uitgesorteer.
Wys net, die afstand maak nie saak om goeie diens te lewer nie.
Weereens baie dankie. 
Aussie groetnis.
Louis & Cobie de Jager